If you've been into a retail store lately, I am sure you've been bombarded with all the holiday decor and gift giving ideas. We admit, our holiday decor is in full swing around here and now that we are done with Thanksgiving, we should be! (Just no music yet). Not to be all "ba humbug" but if you listen to it for months it would turn anyone into a Scrooge! This is also the time of the year that everyone, or at least those who entertain for the any one of the holidays are looking to spruce up the house for those guests. Only with the hope that those very changes don't go unnoticed. With all the present purchasing and entertaining to do, what is actually left for the "sprucing up budget?" Maybe it's what you can get away without the hubby (or roommate) complaining too much, or as long as HE doesn't have to physically do it or get involved. So now we are down to YOU, something YOU can do successfully all by your lonesome. Well, here are a few suggestions that presumably one person could do and do somewhat inexpensively.
Paint, one of the all time least expensive components that go into any room. A fresh coat of paint goes a LONG way. You can easily open up a space or make it more cozy just depending on the color. Simply changing up the color will give a lift to the space, maybe even play with the thought of an accent wall, whether its a completely different color or just a shade or two darker than the main color.
Accessorize. Another easy and inexpensive way to update is to switch out your accessories. If not all of them even just a few, to add a different color or a new style. Better yet, bring the old ones into our store and make a few extra bucks for the holiday!
These ideas are great refreshers to jazz up a tired room. And won't break the bank. Should the wallet allow, both of these combined would make a huge difference. If these suggestions just don't do it for you or you still need some help applying it to your space, let me know and I would love to do a consultation for you!
Photo Credits: Pinterest.