Friday, December 21, 2012

Refresh, Restyle, Redo

Now that the holidays are over and the decorations are down, the house looks a hmmm... bare. I do this every year as many people do, it's a big month in the furniture and decorating world. Everyone has visited a lot of family and friends over the holidays and gets to check out their lovely homes and then it gets you thinking, hmm, I've been meaning to replace the _______(insert furniture item here). Then BAM! It happens, you've been inspired to tackle the task. First things first, twist the husband's arm into agreement until he moans and groans through the entire process. It then naturally turns from one furniture item to the entire room. (We knew that all along though, right)? Good thing after all the holiday spending it seems you have extra money for the moment! The point being, here are some things to keep in mind as you go about your "refreshing".

I like to suggest in the ways of paint always get a sample size first and put it on the wall, picking paint samples from an inch and a half square is completely unrealistic. Secondly, it will always look different on the wall and in the various lighting you receive in your room. Don't forget the ceiling too, it is the fifth wall after all!

Lighting, a very important aspect in any space, (maybe my favorite) is fun to work with as well. It is more complicated than paint so I'll touch on the basics. Lighting can dramatically change the mood of the room, so beware. Incandescent bulbs will be warm and inviting and the fluorescents and some of the efficient ones are much cooler, again effecting the paint color and the mood of the space. The shades on lamps will determine how much light is emitted, so keep in mind if the lighting will be functional or ambient.

Rugs are not limited to just hardwood floors, carpeted floors can be layered with a rug too. Both rugs and window treatments are a great and easy way to add more color and pattern. A general rule of thumb when mixing patterns, be sure that they are different sizes and they will be compatible.

Accessories are scattered throughout, maybe an accent piece or two but these items can really tie a room together. You can get creative and add your color in these items: pillows, artwork, items on bookcases or tables.

Furniture, ah, the best for last. Furniture can be tricky, it can be hard to find the best compromise of comfort and style. It IS possible, I assure you. I do caution you that you can be picky or cheap, usually not both. :) Keep in mind also, you may have to order things in order to find the best option. It is worth the wait to do it right and be happy with it for years to come. Of course, resale shops will have things in stock at incredible prices without necessarily compromising quality. (Nice plug, huh?!)

Many people find this whole process overwhelming and understandable so. There are many aspects to juggle and it can be a challenge to foresee how they will all come together. That being said, as usual, I can be the one to step in and help you pull it all together if need be. You know where to find me!

Photo Credits: Pinterest, Houzz